We sell all the Elements of the Periodic Table that you can collect even the toughest and rarest ones! Contact us if you do not find what you are looking for or visit our website! The shipment is always tracked until delivery, and partly covered by the price of the object, the other part we offer it! You should receive your item in a few days (in Italy), if you are abroad the shipment takes from 5 to 15 days: Physical state at standard conditions of pressure and temperature Many sellers copy our labels, but ours remain the most authentic, original and scientifically interesting, as well as protected by copyright and international patent! In our labels you will find everything you need to know about the item purchased, the print quality is impressive and you will always read well what is written on them: 4 grams 99.9% pureĪll our ampoules are made in EU, with high quality glass, have dimensions 45 x 20 mm Carbon is present in different forms, one of them is diamond, which takes millions of years, high temperatures and pressures to form.Ī fantastic sample of amorphous carbon in pieces placed in glass vials with label. Carbon is the basis of life, it is present in every organic being, it is also the element with the most complex chemistry there is, called organic chemistry.